Ensuring large mailouts are secure
29 September 2015
Investigators are reminded they can use UCL's mailing list system 'Mailman' to send emails to large groups of people, ensuring recipients won't see other recipients' details.
The reminder comes after a research team sending out a newsletter about the progress of their research to several hundred research participants inadvertently hit copy instead of blind carbon copy. Blind carbon copying enables senders to hide the email addresses of the recipients as they do not appear in the received message header. On this occasion all recipients had sight of each other's email addresses and, by inference, their diagnosis.
Mailman lets you create a distribution list that contains both UCL and non-UCL email addresses.
A central distribution list is different from a personal distribution list (used only by you) which can be set up within an email program such as Outlook 2010. The owner (the staff member who requested the Mailman list) can manage the distribution list. They can add and remove members, restrict who can email the list and are responsible for keeping the list up to date.
To find out more about setting up a distribution list using Mailman visit the UCL Information Services Division webpage.