Changes and improvements to research finance systems
30 July 2015
The JRO is currently in the process of implementing significant changes and improvements to research finance systems at UCLH.
The project follows an independent review of finance systems and services that are provided to researchers and other stakeholders. As part of the review interviews were carried out with a range of individuals to identify and explore service issues and areas where improvements could be made. The report and its recommendations are proving invaluable for the JRO Finance team to develop systems designed to improve the customer service of the finance function.
A steering group, chaired by Nick McNally and including membership from the Investigator community, UCLH corporate finance and clinical board finance, meets monthly to help guide and oversee delivery of the project.
Several significant milestones have already been reached in the project. A backlog of income shares from commercial trials has been cleared and a new system implemented to ensure speedy sharing of income once the funds are received by the Trust. A performance dashboard has been created to monitor the weekly output of the Finance's activities and to help adjust resources to meet peak demands, cover gaps and avoid building up backlogs. In addition, Finance is refreshing its processes and links with study teams to help improve information flows; and with other finance functions responsible for completing payment and invoicing processes.
A rolling programme of customer engagement events is being developed for the autumn to supplement existing meetings, to explain the role and processes of JRO finance, introduce some new faces and to listen to customer comments and suggestions.