
Joint Research Office


Patient flagging project results being analysed

31 January 2014

Piloting of the patient research flagging system has been completed.

The system allows researchers to add a patient's participation in a study directly onto the trusts Clinical Data Repository (CDR). CDR will then flag this participation, each time the CDR record is accessed.

Piloting of the system took place from October 2012-January 2014, involving the UCL Bioresource and research teams at the Heart Hospital. Studies included commercial and non-commercial sponsored studies and ranged from CTIMPS to non-CTIMPS, device studies and clinical investigations. These studies were added to CDR ready for the study research nurses to record the patient's involvement upon consenting.

The pilot ended on 17 January 2014 and the results are currently undergoing analysis and due to be reported in February. It is anticipated the system will be rolled out across UCLH, supported by an e-training module and manual for its use.