NICOR patient and public open day
18 February 2014
The National Institute for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research (NICOR) is holding a patient and public open day.
NICOR publishes reports annually from anonymised patient information to try and improve the quality of care and outcomes for patients that have had heart problems and treatments.
NICOR wants to ensure that it is providing information to patients in a meaningful and accessible way that is useful to them and their families. The open day will be an opportunity for patients and carers, relatives and friends of those with heart problems to meet the NICOR team and to express views and experiences. NICOR do not expect attendees to have a deep understanding of clinical detail, just a keen desire to improve heart care and reporting.
When and where?
11am-3.30pm, Thursday 8 May 2014
3rd Floor, 170 Tottenham Court Road, W1T 7HA
All travel expenses will be paid for and lunch/refreshments provided.
To register your interest for this event or to find out more Carol Porteous, NICOR Patient and Public Engagement Co-ordinator or 0203 108 3895.