Workshop on setting up a patient group
29 November 2012
The Joint Research Office (JRO) is running a workshop on 16 January 2013 for researchers wanting to set up a patient group as part of their PPI (patient and public involvement) plans.
The free half-day workshop 'Setting up and running a patient group for PPI in biomedical research' aims to be practical and realistic in its approach. Researchers are encouraged to work through their own plans for PPI.
Topics covered include:
- Pros and cons of different types of groups
- How to enlist people to a group and keep them interested
- Setting the terms of reference of a group
- One researcher's experience of setting up a patient group.
The workshop will be led by Bec Hanley of TwoCan Associates and Derek Stewart of Rime and Reason.
NB This workshop only looks at the active involvement of patients in the research process. It does not look at how to recruit patients and volunteers to trials.
When: Wednesday, 16 January 2013, 9.30am-1.00pm
Where: Boardroom, Maple House Suite A, 149 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 7DN
To book: contact Madeleine Stewart on madeleine.stewart(@)
To download a poster click here.