New system for applications to use data without consent
28 November 2012
The National Information Governance Board (NIGB) is being abolished in early 2013, with the function of the Ethics and Confidentiality Committee (which oversees the use of identifiable data without consent) transferring to the new Health Research Authority (HRA).
In the interim investigators applying to use identifiable data without consent should continue to complete the appropriate IRAS questions.
The JRO can provide question specific guidance on Part B Section 8 and 9 (the NIGB specific questions). Please contact Daniel Heather, R&D Archivist and Records Manager, at daniel.heather(@) to discuss in more detail.
The previous requirement to complete a System Level Security Policy (SLSP) alongside submission to the Ethics and Confidentiality Committee has been phased out and investigators must now demonstrate compliance with the NHS Information Governance (IG) Toolkit instead. For further details click here.
Daniel Heather will also be able to provide guidance in the first instance. However completion of the toolkit will also involve your local IT and Information Governance staff.