The Research Passport system allows a standard approach in issuing Honorary Research Contracts (HRC) and Letters of Access (LOA) to academics and NHS staff at other Trusts to carry out research activities at UCLH.
The decision of whether a Honorary Research Contract or a Letter of Access is given is dependent on a questionnaire that is provided once the application for a Research Passport is in process.
The system also provides those who already have a contractual relationship with the NHS (i.e. those with either a substantive employment contract or honorary clinical contract) access to other NHS sites in order to undertake their research activities. This group of staff are issued with a Letter of Access (LOA) or a Honorary Research Contract (HRC) in order to access a new NHS site.
To obtain either an HRC or an LOA, the researcher must notify the JRO during their application for sponsorship or Assess, Arrange and Confirm. The researcher will be asked to complete either a research passport form (for a HRC) or an NHS to NHS proforma (existing NHS employees).
The form and pro-forma request information from the researchers existing employer (or university for students) on the types of pre-engagement checks which have already been carried out for the individual.
The types of checks required are dependent upon the type of research which is being undertaken. Note that a DBS check will be required for certain types of study/access to patients.
Detailed information on the research passport system (including the level of checks and the forms) can be found on the NIHR website.
Researchers wishing to access UCLH should provide the required forms and supporting documents to the JRO via The JRO will issue the HRC or LOA once the study has been approved through the Assess, Arrange and Confirm process. The JRO will request additional information at the point of receiving the application. It will also request an email from the assigned UCLH supervisor to confirm the details in the research passport application.
Note, for UCL researchers wishing to access UCLH, please also refer to UCL Human Resources for UCL specific forms and information.