
Information Services Division



think-cell is an add-in for Microsoft Office that enhances chart creation in PowerPoint and Excel. Even complex charts, such as Marimekkos, waterfalls and Gantts, can be created within minutes. think-cell can also be used to maintain a presentation's structure with auto-updating agendas, and to consistently round numbers in Excel sheets. The ISD department and think-cell have made the software available to UCL faculty, staff, and students for academic and non-profit use.

Usage Agreement

think-cell is only to be used for academic and nonprofit use, and it is only available to UCL faculty, staff, and students. Students, faculty and staff who are no longer employed by or enrolled at UCL or who intend to use the software for non-educational uses will need to obtain a separate license agreement from think-cell. The think-cell license key provided through this agreement is valid for 6 months.

think-cell for UCL can be key and media can be obtained from the software database