
Information Services Division


Site access blocked

Access to this site has been blocked



It has been identified as a harmful website (e.g. containing malware or linked to spam email). It has been blocked by UCL’s website security monitoring service, which blocks requests to harmful websites and provides a second layer of defence in addition to anti-virus.

We only block sites which are harmful to information security. Blocking is not based on site content. Blocked sites include “phishing” sites, which collect usernames and passwords and other data illegitimately.

Please ensure your use of the UCL network is in accordance with our security policies.

"I did not go to this website"

If your computer is infected by malware, it may be attempting to connect to this site without your knowledge. Please remove the malware from your machine using an appropriate antivirus/anti-malware tool and seek advice if unsure how to do so. Contact the UCL IT Service desk for further information.

"The website I’m trying to get to shouldn’t be blocked"

Contact us if you believe that the site you are attempting to access should be accessible.

For further help contact the UCL IT Service desk.