UCL is currently working with MeetingZone to provide conferencing services from simple voice through collaboration and full on video conferencing. UCL ISD Telephony Services negotiate this on behalf of UCL and consider this the best deal, if you have any issues you can take them up with the account manager below or email UCL ISD Telephony Services >here< for assistance.
Don't forget though, you can do simple conferencing on your UCL telephones with up to 5 participants by using feature buttons on your VoIP phone or feature codes on the TDM system (Click >here< for instructions)
You should have already been provided with a MeetingZone Wallet card to start using audio-conferences straight away. If you haven’t received your card or think you need to register for an account click >here<
If you have any questions about your account or would like to arrange a training session please click >here<
For more information on the type of calls you can make click >here<
To speak to your dedicated account manager click >here<
If you would like to share your screen and/or use web collaboration tools, please click >here<
For more information on products and/or services provided my MeetingZone including handy ‘how to’ guides, please click >here< (External Site).