The policies and procedures are to ensure that the university is able to manage its software assets effectively, securely, and in accordance with legal regulations, licensing rules, auditing requirements, and the UCL's software policy. Equally importantly they are to allow the university to demonstrate its compliance.
Note that this document applies to all university software, whether purchased, leased, obtained under 'shareware' or 'freeware' arrangements, acquired under suppliers' educational support agreements.
All software purchased for UCL should be recorded within the Software Management database.
List of departments that can add to the Software management database.
Software that is not freeware to UCL
Purchasing of Software
If you wish to purchase or acquire a software application, the IT Supplier and Asset Management team will happily purchase your licence for you, record the details and store the media. If you have purchased the software from within your department please contact your local IT contact who will be able to record your licence details. If you do not have a local IT contact or are unsure who to contact please contact us.
Storage of software media, licensing keys and licence agreements
After installation of software, any media, licensing keys, and licence agreements must be given to the IT Supplier and Asset Management (SAM) Team for secure storage and control, unless local arrangements are in place and have been approved by the SAM Team.
Adobe and Microsoft software
Licences for Adobe and Microsoft software applications are available under the university's overall agreements and must be purchased via the IT Supplier and Asset Management Team
Software Asset Management
ISD will provide the following to assist departments and users to adhere to the policy
An agent is available on request for a department to monitor software installations on all the machines.
The Supplier and Asset Management Team can be contacted for the following:
- Advice on the policy.
- Send licence information, media for storing and adding the information to the software management database.
- Purchase software.
Where possible we will train a number of staff within each department to add licence information, and access licence information for self-help to the software management database and access to the central share.
Audits will only take place in agreement with the ISD Director and based on UCL's risk management policy. Discussions will take place with the department before any audit starts to agree scope and resource required.