Digital tools
Student feedback tools
UCL has several tools you can use to get real time feedback from students. A full list of these can be found at the ISD Research Survey Tools Sharepoint site linked below.
Regular engagement between students and staff is the best way to ensure the student voice is heard, help shape the learning experience, recognise good practice, and address issues students might face. The Continuous Module Dialogue (CMD) process aims to improve the learning experience for students by providing them with early and frequent opportunities to give feedback on their taught sessions and for lecturers to respond in a timely fashion.
Discipline specifc tools
Some departments have licences for discipline specific tools. Information on how to purchase and request software for staff and teaching devices can be found on the ISD Software and hardware pages. In the first instance search the software database to see if the software you need is available centrally.
If you're unsure if a specific tool is available to your faculty or department, get in touch with your Faculty Learning Technology Lead who will be able to advise.