Digital Accessibility Hubs
About the Hubs
The Hubs are located on the Bloomsbury campus and new UCL East campus. They offer a range of facilities and in-person support including:
- access to specialist equipment
- support for students, professional services and academic staff
- training on accessibility software programs, accessible content creation, and ergonomic equipment.
How to gain access
For on-going, long-term access to the hubs:
- Students - contact Student Support and Wellbeing Services and create a SORA (Summary of Reasonable Adjustments)
- Staff - contact your line manager for a referral
You're also welcome to email us to set up a meeting to come visit, while or before doing the above -
Locations and availability
Gower St Hub
Managed by Matt Pateman -
contact or
Opening hours
- Monday-Sunday, 8am-10pm
Room B10, South Wing,
Lower level of the Wilkins Building,
Gower Street,
London WC1E 6BT
- Map showing Hub location on Bloomsbury campus
- How to get to the Hub – via Gower Street (YouTube video)
- How to get to the Hub – via Gordon Street (YouTube video)
One Pool St Hub
(UCL East)
Managed by Reena Babu -
contact or
Opening hours
- Monday-Friday, 8am-8pm
- Saturday, 8am-6pm
- Not open Sundays, Bank Holidays or University closure dates
Room 110, First Floor
1 Pool Street, Stratford,
London E20 2AF
Marshgate Hub
(UCL East)
Managed by Reena Babu -
contact or
NB: Places are limited to 4 desks / space is shared with the Student Support and Wellbeing team.
Opening hours
- Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
- Not open Saturdays/Sundays, Bank Holidays or University closure dates
221 Digital Accessibility Hub
UCL Marshgate, 7 Sidings St
London E20 2AE
- Hubs rules and safety
Digital Accessibility Hub rules
- No food is allowed apart from hot/cold drinks.
- Mobile phones to be on silent and to answer calls outside the hub.
- No unauthorised users allowed, apart from support workers.
- Be considerate to other users i.e. no loud music and keep talking to whisper level.
Fire Evacuation Procedures
- In case of a fire emergency, the fire alarm with flashing lights will set off and the automatic door will remain open until evacuation alarm stops.
- If on Bloombury campus, please proceed to meet outside the Print Room Cafe until Fire Marshall informs it is clear to re-enter the building.
- If on UCL East campus, please proceed to meet outside the blue bridge until Fire Marshall informs it is clear to re-enter the building.