Resolved 10:50 6 March:Issues with services inc Timetabling and Lecturecast Scheduler - 6 March 2023
6 March 2023
A number of services are currently unavailable including, Timetable and Lecturecast Scheduler.
Update 10:50 6 March 2023
This issue has now been resolved. Please report any issues to the ISD Service Desk.
Apologies for the disruption this has caused this morning.
We are investigating the issue as a high priority and will provide an update as soon as possible.
Viewing of existing Lecturecast recordings is not affected.
Previously scheduled events will be recorded as planned. Event details can be viewed from the associated Moodle page.
If you need to amend the details of an event taking place on 6 and 7 March please email the team with the following details:
- Module code
- Event Title
- Room name
- Start date
- Start time
- Duration
- Special requests such as live streaming, changes to presenter view or auto-availability to student
Apologies for the disruption this is causing.