Find out more about Termly Increment Planning and Agile Development at UCL Digital.
Termly Increment Planning
Termly Increment Planning at UCL – a guide to our process
Since 2020, ISD has pivoted to an agile delivery framework.
So, what do we mean by that? Essentially, we have transitioned from delivery through typically waterfall project management methodologies to an agile approach which delivers value early and then iterates to continuously improve our products and services.
Termly Planning takes place over two days each term, where the whole of the Digital department and key business stakeholders come together to review their roadmaps and product backlogs and plan out the most impactful and valuable work to do in the coming three months. We call this Termly Increment (TI) Planning.
The two days of planning deliver a portfolio programme of work for the coming term planned around two-week sprints. Any dependencies with other product teams are agreed and prioritised to deliver the agreed business outcomes.
Sprint Process
Each of the Product Teams will work with a Scrum Process running two-week sprints to deliver the business outcomes and goals agreed at Termly Increment Planning.
At the start of each sprint, the product team agrees the goals for the sprint during a planning session and breaks the work down into user stories. The product teams meet in a daily stand-up to discuss progress, any blockers that may impact, or assistance that the team might need to deliver.
At the end of the sprint, the team comes together to demo what has been delivered and take a retrospective look at the past two weeks and agree if anything could have been done differently, and what has been learned and can be taken forward in further sprints.