Research Outputs
The Research Outputs governance group covers the following services:
- Research Publications
- Research Data Archive
- REF2020
- Research Impact Curation
Paul Ayris (Chair) | Pro-Vice Provost (UCL Library Services) |
Isaac Bianco | Sir Henry Dale Fellow |
Andrew Cooper | Director of Research Evaluation |
Jonathan Cooper | Head of Research Software Engineering. Research IT Services |
June Hedges | Head of Liaison and Support Services, UCL Library Services |
Christoph Lindner | Dean of The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment |
Martin Moyle | Director of Services UCL Library Services |
James McCafferty | Director, Research IT Services, ISD |
Rebecca O'Connell | Senior Research Officer, Institute of Education |
Donna Swann | Head of Research IT Applications, Research IT Services |
Nicholas Tyndale | Director of Research Strategy & Impact, office of OVPR |
Andrew Wills | Dean, Faculty of Maths and Physical Sciences |
James Wilson | Head of Research Data Services, Research IT Services |
Terms of Reference
- To maintain awareness of new developments in the creation, storage and dissemination of research outputs in UCL and across the globe.
- To act on policy issues and strategic priorities on the management of research outputs, with particular reference to the UCL Publications Board and Open Science Platform.
- To ensure that UCL's infrastructure supports the demands of REF 2020 in terms of the storage of research outputs and the production of impact measures/stories.
- To manage and develop UCL's policy and infrastructure on research data archiving as part of UCL's Research Data Management activity.
- To interact, as appropriate, with the emerging European Open Science Cloud or other cloud- based archiving solutions.
- To advocate for the introduction of FAIR data practices in UCL and for the benefits of Open data.
- To oversee the strategic development and embedding of IRIS as a key component of UCL's research infrastructure.
- To develop or to contribute to costed proposals in the above areas from UCL and external funding sources.
- To request the Minutes of Committees and Working Groups in UCL as appropriate to inform its discussions.
- To sustain effective communication with Committees and Working Groups in UCL as appropriate by the submission to the latter of its Minutes.
- To make regular reports to RIISG, as requested by the Steering's Group chair.
The group meets once per term for 1 hour.
2020/21 Meeting dates:
2nd September 2020 11:15-12:15pm
13th October 2020 11-12pm
19th January 2021 11-12pm
11th May 2021 11-12pm
Meeting support will be provided by ISD.
Previous minutes and key documents presented at previous meetings are provided below:
Available via MS Teams
Available via MS Teams
- Autumn term
- Spring term
- Summer term