
UCL Institute of Ophthalmology


IoO Professor Mariya Moosajee appointed Academic Lead for the Early Career Researcher Committee

23 September 2020

Professor Mariya Moosajee has been appointed as Academic Lead for the Early Career Researcher Committee, alongside Associate Professor Jacqui van der Spuy.

Mariya Moosajee

Together they will develop our community and opportunities for ECR and PGR. Professor Moosajee has extensive experience in helping develop the careers of students and post docs and brings enthusiasm and commitment to this important role. Professor Moosajee in the past was instrumental in initiating what is now an ongoing mission at IoO to ensure ECRs a fair and supportive working environment.
About this new role, Professor Moosajee said “I have the benefit of undertaking several leadership roles outside of the IoO and UCL, in groups where ECRs are also promoted, such as Women in Vision UK and the UK EyeGenetic Group. For both, we ensure ECRs have opportunities to get involved with executive committees, present their work at meetings, offer prizes for posters/talks, and also set up specific activities to benefit them like equipping them with personal development skills, mentoring and career advice. I will use all my experience to ensure the IoO committee thrives and reaches more members that may not have previously had a chance to get involved.” 

Many thanks go to Professor Rachael Pearson for her work in establishing this role as she departs for her new post at Kings.