
UCL Institute of Ophthalmology


New research awards at the Institute of Ophthalmology 

21 April 2016

We are delighted to announce a number of new research awards that have been made to researchers at the Institute of Ophthalmology. Congratulations to the staff who have won funding and thank you to the bodies who fund our work. Together we are making a difference. A full list of awards is shown below:

ResearcherFunderProject title IoO Amount 
 Robin AliMacular SocietyPurchase of a bioreactor cell culture platform to support our photoreceptor differentiation for the treatment and modelling of retinal degenerations.   £13,613
Maryse BaillyRosetrees TrustThe protein as LIMCH1 as novel disease marker in
fibrosis and cancer
Maryse BaillyMoorfields Eye CharityThe role of Src family kinases in Thyroid Eye Disease: disease mechanisms and therapeutic potential £49,000
Virginia CalderZiarco Pharma LtdValidation of H4R directed inhibition in EAU model £ 33,115
Matteo Carandini (fellow: Nick Steinmetz)EU H2020Neocortical circuits underlying visually-guided behaviour in mouse £126,576
Matteo Carandini (fellow: Andrew Peters)Royal SocietyCorticostriatal interactions in perceptual learning £101,000
Matteo Carandini (fellow: Julien Fournier)EU Marie CurieVision and Navigation in Mouse Cortex £ 136,818
Francesca CordeiroWellcome TrustTopical delivery of Ranibizumab (Lucentis) for non-invasive treatment of retinal disease     £1,666,193
Julie DanielsAnimal Health Trust Deriving an in vitro source of canine corneal stromal cells to use as a tool to study inherited dystrophies in dogs £88,500
Alex DayNIHR A Randomised Comparison of Femtosecond Laser Assisted vs Manual Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery for Adults with Visually Significant Cataract: The FACT trial £54,958
Clare FutterWellcome TrustCell biology and pathology of the retinal pigment epithelium £87,155
Peng KhawMoorfields Eye CharityIdentification of novel biomarkers to develop a customised
gene chip in conjunctival fibrosis
Sue LightmanNational Institutes of Health (US)Macular Edema Trials Associated with MUST (META-MUST): POINT and MERIT£80,755
Sue LightmanNIHR Optimal utilisation of biologic drugs in Behçet’s Disease £12,961
John MarshallMoorfields Eye CharityFinal laser-dose titration data required to enable re-instatement of clinical trials for the 2RT-mediated laser treatment of dry AMD. £46,530
Mike MichaelidesNational Institutes of Health (US)Platform Technologies for Microscopic Retinal Imaging: Development & Translation £20,549
Mariya MoosajeeNIHR BRCMapping the clinical phenotype of Choroideremia to identify an optimal therapeutic window for preventing sight loss- A UK multicentre deep phenotyping study £182,121
Shin-ichi OhnumaMoorfields Eye CharityUnlocking the genetic code – Single cell separator £160,600
Christiana RuhrbergMRCDefining a novel molecular mechanism in VEGF-induced vascular hyperpermeability £564,176
Christiana RuhrbergBritish Heart FoundationBHF Studentship rotation for Kirsty Naylor £2,250
Christiana RuhrbergBritish Heart FoundationBHF student rotation for Rebecca Bolton £2,250
Mandeep SagooRoyal College of Surgeons EdinburghIdentification of new mechanisms and targets in retinoblastoma £49,985
Yu Wai Man, PatrickNIHR BRC Rare diseases project in dominant optic atrophy £154,856
Patrick Yu Wai ManMoorfields Eye CharityInvestigating disease mechanisms in autosomal dominant optic atrophy with retinal ganglion cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells £109,914