
UCL Institute of Ophthalmology


Flow Cytometry at UCL Institute of Ophthalmology

Flow Cytometry facilities at UCL Institute of Ophthalmology provide state-of-the-art equipment and expertise in cell analysis and cell sorting.

BD Fortessa X-20 equipment in Flow Cytometry facility
Sample equipment pictured: BD Fortessa X-20 

New FlowJo station for all UCL researchers now acquired 

August 2024.
Thanks to the generous support of Biologics TIN, we are excited to announce the purchase of a FlowJo station. FlowJo is a powerful software widely used for analysing flow cytometry data, offering robust tools for gating, visualization, and statistical analysis of complex datasets. A FlowJo station is now available at the Institute of Ophthalmology (near Old Street) for all UCL researchers. It provides an essential resource for anyone working on projects involving cell phenotyping, immune profiling, and other cellular analyses. Access to FlowJo can be booked through the SchoolBooking system (link below).

Our institute's Flow Cytometry Facility is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments designed to meet the diverse needs of our UCL researchers. Our equipment includes:

  • A 5-laser BD LSRFortessa
  • A 2-laser FacsCalibur
  • A pre-sort AutoMACS system
  • A Bio-Plex MAGPIX Multiplex Reader

Our facility supports a wide range of research activities such as: 

  • cell sorting
  • data acquisition, analysis and interpretation
  • user training
  • advice on sample preparation
  • user assistance and machine troubleshooting
  • help with design of experiments
  • sourcing of reagents and techniques; finding alternative approaches
  • help with data preparation for presentation and publication

In addition, the facility offers access to the FlowJo data analysis hub software for comprehensive data analysis. All equipment and software can be booked using the link provided below.

Please ensure that your grant code maintains a credit balance to facilitate bookings. Additionally, you must have an active grant to access any flow cytometry or imaging instruments. If you do not have an account, please set one up to gain access to these resources. For enquiries contact Professor Virginia Calder (v.calder@ucl.ac.uk).
Training for using the Fortessa is provided at our partner facility at UCL Institute of Child Health by Dr Ayad Eddaoudi, Facility Manager (a.eddouadi@ucl.ac.uk) or 020 3978 3602.
