
UCL Institute of Ophthalmology


IoO Lates: Career talk with Daniel Hulme

26 September 2024, 4:00 pm–5:00 pm

image of Daniel Hulme

Daniel Hulme, a former PhD student at the IoO, did his master's and doctorate in Artificial Intelligence at UCL and is now the CEO of Satali.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

Invitation Only






IoO Events – UCL Institute of Ophthalmology


IoO Common Room & MS Teams
11-43 Bath Street London

In-person event, held in the IoO Common Room.

About the Speaker

Daniel Hulme

CEO at Satalia

Daniel Hulme is a globally recognised expert in AI and investor in Emerging Technologies. He's the CEO of Satalia, an award-winning company that provides AI innovations for global brands. Satalia joined the world's largest media company in 2021, WPP, where Daniel is also the Chief AI Officer. Daniel has been recognised as one of the top 10 Chief AI Officers globally.

Having received a Masters and Doctorate in AI at UCL, Daniel is also UCL's Computer Science Entrepreneur in Residence and a lecturer at LSE's Marshall Institute, focused on using AI to solve business and social problems.

Daniel is a serial TEDx and Google speaker, regularly keynotes on AI, ethics, innovation and decentralization. He contributes to numerous books and articles on the future of work and is a faculty member of SingularityU.

Daniel has advisory and executive positions across companies and governments. He holds an international Kauffman Global Entrepreneur Scholarship and actively promotes purposeful entrepreneurship and technology innovation across the globe.

More about Daniel Hulme