
UCL Institute of Ophthalmology


Career Workshop for professional services and support staff

04 October 2016, 11:30 am–2:00 pm

Event Information


Institute of Ophthalmology Seminar Room

Tuesday 4th October, 11.30am to 2pm – Seminar Room

The workshop is aimed at all professional services and support staff at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and will aim:

  • To build confidence and understanding about your options for career development both internally and externally
  • To help you to know how to identify your career anchor(s) and tasks that can help you to develop experience  related to this anchor
  • To know what might be a next step that suits you and how to develop towards this

A sandwich lunch will be provided

PLease book your space via eventbrite here: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/career-workshop-for-professional-services-and-support-staff-tickets-26947318154