26/5/2016 Introduction to Grant-Writing and Early Career Fellowships - panel discussion
26 May 2016, 12:00 pm–2:00 pm
Event Information
IoO Lecture Theatre
Are you a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute who is interested in attending a workshop to improve their knowledge of grant-writing skills?
This event is for all postdoctoral staff of any level (providing you do not hold a tenured position). There will be a particular focus on fellowship applications and schemes aimed at early career investigators.
The workshop will consist of two sections:
1) A series of talks and panel discussions on grant-writing best practice (1.5 hours approx.) on May 26th at 12pm in the IO lecture Theatre
2) A practical exercise based on critiquing an early draft of a fellowship application and suggesting ways it could be improved prior to submission. This exercise will be led by senior PIs at the IoO, namely Professors Matteo Carandini, Andrew Dick, Astrid Limb, Phil Luthert and Steve Moss (1.5 hours approx.) on June 15th at 11.30am, also in the IoO lecture Theatre
The workshop will be rounded off with a sandwich lunch and networking opportunities.
ACTION: If you are interested in attending, please email Nat Reeve as soon as possible, letting her know i) whether you would like to attend both sections of the event, or just the talks session; ii) whether you are planning any fellowship or other grant submissions in the next 12 months or so