
UCL Institute of Ophthalmology


Research 2023-2024

Our pioneering research in ophthalmology and eye health continued to flourish in 2023-2024, with nearly 450 papers published in internationally renowned peer-reviewed journals.

Our research teams, organised across four interrelated themes, are led by 54 Principal Investigators (PIs), driving life-changing innovations and new therapeutic approaches with the aim to maintain and restore vision. 

In 2023-2024, we were pleased to have two Early Career Promotions and seven Senior Promotions (including five Moorfields Eye Hospital Honorary staff). 

We now have a total of 5 Fellows, and 43 Academic staff, in addition to Early Career Researchers building independence holding their own awards. Also this year, we were pleased to announce that Professor Matteo Carandini, a member of our academic team, has been elected to the Academia Europaea.

In May 2024, we had a large representation of UCL IoO staff and students, including Honorary staff, attending ARVO 2024. The ARVO Annual Meeting was held at Seattle Convention Centre (5-9 May). Many of our staff and students participated with talks and poster presentations. We are very grateful to Zaynab Butt for producing a thorough and enjoyable report on her first experience attending and presenting at this important conference in the world of vision science. 

Some research highlights