In addition to the Diploma, MSc, and PhD Programmes, a wide and varied range of other teaching and educational opportunities are run by the Education Team.
Continuing professional development at QSIoN
- Neurology: leading edge neurology for the practising clinician
- Neuro-oncology Short Courses
- Queen Square Movement Disorders short course
- Stroke One Day Course : Advanced Stroke Neuroimaging
- Annual course: Neuroradiology & Functional Neuroanatomy
- UK Neuromuscular Translational Research Conference
- Update in neuromuscular disorders
- Biomarkers in neurodegenerative diseases
Online courses
Weekly teaching programme
All students/visitors must wear a UCL/UCLH ID badge at all times anywhere in the National Hospital, Queen Square Institute of Neurology and other buildings in Queen Square.
Regular clinical meetings taking place at Queen Square. Please note all meetings are currently held virtually until further notice. Any queries please contact
2.00pm Clinico-Pathological Conference (online via Teams)
1.00pm Neuro-ophthalmology Case Demonstration (Wolfson Lecture Theatre, NHNN 1st Tuesday of every month)
2.15pm Gowers Grand Round (Wolfson Lecture theatre)
To subscribe/unsubscribe to the Gowers mailing list please contact Jacky Bauer.
Only UCL and nhs/UCLH emails are acceptable