The long-term follow-up of epilepsy surgery
SA Baxendale, G Bell, J de Tisi, JS Duncan, AW McEvoy, JW Sander, PJ Thompson
In addition to achieving short-term seizure control, it is important to understand the long term effects of epilepsy surgery on seizures, memory and quality of life
We are following up individuals who had epilepsy surgery as far back as 1990, and are determining the long-term effects in terms of control of seizures, use of medications, and effects on memory, other cognitive functions and quality of life. 75% of those who become seizure free after epilepsy surgery continue to take antiepileptic medication.
Clinical studies of epilepsy
P Adjei, M Walker, S Shorvon
Studies of autonomic function in different forms of partial epileptic seizures are underway on the EEG telemetry unit.