
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology



Unit of functional neurosurgery team

Clinical Staff

Professor Ludvic Zrinzo

Head of the Functional Neurosurgery Unit
UCL Professor of functional neurosurgery
Consultant neurosurgeon, National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery (NHNN), Queen Square

Professor Patricia Limousin

UCL Professor of neurology
Consultant neurologist, National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery (NHNN), Queen Square

Professor Tom Foltynie

UCL Professor of neurology
Consultant neurologist, National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery (NHNN), Queen Square

Mr Jonathan Hyam

Consultant neurosurgeon, National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery (NHNN), Queen Square

Mr Harith Akram

Consultant neurosurgeon, National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery (NHNN), Queen Square

Ms Marie Krueger

Consultant neurosurgeon, National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery (NHNN), Queen Square

Tim Grover

Clinical Specialist Speech & Language Therapist

Tabitha Bryant

Highly Specialist Speech & Language Therapist

Joseph Candelario

Movement Disorders Clinical Nurse Specialist

Catherine Milabo

Movement Disorders Clinical Nurse Specialist

Maricel Salazar

Movement Disorders Clinical Nurse Specialist

John Esperida

Movement Disorders Clinical Nurse Specialist

Elina Tripoliti, BSc, MSc, Phd

Elina Tripoliti is a Clinical Specialist Speech and Language Therapist working with the Unit of Functional Neurosurgery, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, and a Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Department of Clinical and Movement Neurosciences, Institute of Neurology, UCL.

She is responsible for treating communication and swallowing problems in patients with Movement Disorders, mainly PD, PSP, MSA and Dystonia. She provides intensive therapies such as the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (www.lsvtglobal.com) and the Expiratory Muscle Strength Training (https://emst150.com) and she has been a pioneer in delivering therapy through the internet. She founded the Movement Disorders Speech Lab for the investigation of acoustical, perceptual and aerodynamic aspects of speech.

She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Athens and a postgraduate degree in Speech & Language Therapy from City University, London. She was awarded her PhD in Neurological studies from UCL Institute of Neurology in 2010 (with Professor Limousin as a mentor and supervisor) investigating the speech changes after Deep Brain Stimulation for patients with PD and Dystonia.

She is a founding member and a Trustee of the Sing for Joy Choir (https://singforjoychoirs.org.uk), and a firm advocate of the role of music, singing and dancing in speech rehabilitation.

Professional Services

Linda Taib

Unit PA

Tel: 020 3448 8723
Email: l.taib@ucl.ac.uk

Haris Charalambous

Multidisciplinary Unit Co-ordinator
Tel: 0203 448 8730

Sivagini Puvichandran

Admin Co-ordinator (Secretary to Mr Harith Akram and Mr Jonathan Hyam)
Tel: 0203 448 8740

Arinola Ogundeji

Admin Co-ordinator (Secretary to Professor Ludvic Zrinzo and Professor Tom Foltynie)
Tel: 0203 448 8726

Jakeer Alam

Admin co-ordinator (Secretary to Professor Patricia Limousin)
Tel: 0203 448 8719

Faisa Noon

Admin Co-ordinator 
Tel: 0203 448 8737

Former members

Professor (Emeritus) Marwan Hariz

Former head of the Functional Neurosurgery Unit

Professor (Emeritus) Marjan Jahanshahi

Cognitive-Motor Neuroscience group leader