
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology


Open call for BBSRC 4-year CASE PhD studentships (September 2018 Start)

The BBSRC has awarded 11 CASE studentships per year for 4 years to the London Interdisciplinary PhD Consortium (LIDo) (UCL, King's, RVC, LSHTM, Birkbeck and QMUL).

Each institution in the consortium will conduct an internal call for new project proposals.

The deadline for submissions will be 4pm, Friday 26th May

Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. All proposals must be submitted to the relevant contact (see below) using the attached forms:

Please ensure you have digested the additional information below before submitting your proposal.

Members of the BBSRC London Interdisciplinary DTP Industry, Impact and Internship (3I) Committee will review all submissions from all partner universities and institutes and the final selected projects will be featured on the programme website (www.lido-dtp.ac.uk). Student recruitment will be managed collaboratively between LIDo and the project PI.  Students admitted on these studentships will be classed as LIDo students and therefore subject to the rules and requirements for LIDo students.

Key points to be aware of are:

  • The first year of the studentship includes an interdisciplinary training programme (Thursday evening and Friday afternoon). Students will undertake the SysMIC course teaching mathematics and computational methods used in modern biosciences (www.sysmic.ac.uk) and a Bio-business module delivering an overview of the history and trends in scientific research and development in the industrial biosciences.
  • The BBSRC DTP covers the student’s stipend, home/EU tuition fees and £5K running costs per annum. The non-academic partner must meet all the costs incurred by the student during their placement (minimum 3 months) at the organisation, including project-related consumables, as well as travel and accommodation.
  • All projects must align with the DTP research area and be within the BBSRC remit (i.e. not too medical)
  • We are particularly interested in receiving proposals with a high level of interdisciplinarity 
  • We are also particularly interested to receive proposals comprising of collaborations with Small or Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)* 

*A SME is a company or organisation with fewer than 500 employees and either of the following:

  • An annual turnover not exceeding €100 million
  • A balance sheet not exceeding €86 million

Organisations of this nature may be interested to review the HMRC guidance on Research and Development (R&D) corporation tax relief when considering the benefits of CASE studentships.


For general inquiries, please contact: j.fryer@ucl.ac.uk