
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology


Unwanted items on offer

April 2016: Photocopier
The Queen Square Library no longer needs this Canon IR3225 black-and-white photocopier (pictured below) and we are offering it as a 'freecycle' to any department in Queen Square who can make use of it. Dimensions: 56 wide x 70 deep x 104 high (cm).
Please note that this item must be collected and is quite heavy. NB: the photocopier is attached to a coinbox (see picture) that is required for the copier to operate and a power supply is required for both the copier and the coin box. If you do not wish to charge for copying, the coinbox can be switched into 'free vend' mode. Alternatively, it would be possible to contact Canon and have the coinbox decommissioned (at your own cost).
