Faculty of Brain Sciences Postgraduate Conference 2022
27 May 2022, 9:00 am–8:00 pm

Join fellow postgraduate researchers across the faculty in sharing your research, networking and building connections.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
Vino Vivekanandam
UCLGower StreetLondonWC1E 6BT
- Welcome address: Prof. Alan Thompson, Faculty Dean
- Keynote Speaker: Prof. Sanjay Sisodiya, ION Deputy Director Sustainability & Climate Change & Consultant Neurologist
Look forward to: PGR talks, industry networking and prizes. Followed by networking, drinks and nibbles.
Apply to present a PGR Talk: A chance to be selected to present at the Faculty of Brain Sciences PGR Conference 2022. Present your research, develop skills and be in the running to win prizes within categories and best overall presentation. Eight-minute talks followed by two minutes for questions. Deadline for submissions 30th of April.
Compete in the 3MT competition: To be held online on Tuesday 10th of May 17:00. Challenge yourself to present your thesis with only one slide and 3 minutes! Prizes available for Best 3-minute presentation and The People's Choice award. The two winners will go on to represent the Faculty at the UCL 3MT competition.