CNT Seminar: Andre Altmann
12 December 2019, 4:00 pm–5:00 pm

Combining imaging and genetics to better understand brain disorders
Event Information
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- £0.00
Centre for Neuroimaging Techniques
4th floor seminar room12 Queen SquareQueen SquareLondonWC1N 3ARUnited Kingdom
CNT Seminar
In this talk I will speak about imaging genetics and its application to brain disorders, in particular Alzheimer’s disease and Epilepsy. In imaging genetics measures derived from (neuro-)imaging are used as endpoints in statistical analyses of genetic data. This is in contrast to conducting such studies with dichotomous case-control labels.
Replacing crisp diagnostic labels with imaging marker that are thought to better reflect the disease process are expected to lend increased statistical power to such analyses and also allow to investigate different aspects of the underlying disease process.
In the second half I will talk about leveraging synergies between of data sources that are available in a common neurological reference space. In particular, this concept will be showcased by combining brain atrophy maps with gene expression data from the Allen Human Brain Atlas to generate hypotheses about underlying disease processes.
About the Speaker
Andre Altmann
MRC Senior Fellow at Dept of Med Phys & Biomedical Eng, Faculty of Engineering Science, UCL
More about Andre Altmann