Brain meeting: Prof. Lauri Parkkonen
30 November 2018, 3:15 pm–4:15 pm

Novel approaches in MEG: On-scalp sensors, full Bayesian connectivity estimation, and hyperscanning
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
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- Free
Sam Ereira, Nadine Graedel and Dina Spano
4th floor seminar room, WCHN12 Queen SquareLondonWC1N 3BG
Brain meeting
The ability to measure MEG signals with sensors right on the scalp may provide us with a qualitatively new way of studying brain function. The proximity of the sensors increases spatial resolvability of brain sources, bringing the performance of MEG closer to that of intracranial electric recordings, which may allow us to track on-going brain processes with an unprecedented combination of spatial and temporal resolution. In this talk, I will present our simulations and experimental results on applying a small array of on-scalp optically-pumped magnetometers (OPM) to study the working human brain. I will also discuss the challenges in implementing a multichannel OPM array for such studies. In the talk, I will also touch upon our novel Bayesian approach to estimating functional connectivity from MEG data in a way that combines the estimation of the source and coupling parameters in the same single step. I will end by presenting our hyperscanning set-up for simultaneously measuring MEG of two subjects that are in social interaction.
There will be coffee, tea and cake in the conservatory directly after the talk.
About the Speaker
Prof. Lauri Parkkonen
at Aalto University