BBSRC has announced the 2016 Tools and Resources Development Fund (TRDF) call. The call has a specific focus on Bioimaging (excluding applied medical imaging) and the application deadline is 23 November.
The scheme is aimed at pump-priming the next generation of bioimaging tools, technologies and resources that will be required by bioscience researchers.
- Applications should not exceed £150k (£187k FEC) and projects should be between 6 and 18 months in duration (industry collaboration is welcome if appropriate).
- The call intends to support:
- Small pilot projects that enable excellent science in the field of bioimaging
- Development of novel tools, technologies and methods (including software tools and computational approaches)
- Disruptive fundamental engineering and physical sciences approaches into technologies relevant to life and health sciences research challenges
- New collaborations between researchers from different disciplines directed towards bioimaging goals.
- For full information on the scope of the call please see the BBSRC call webpage (note that some EPSRC and MRC co-funding is available). Briefly, in scope applications will be for innovative new approaches for imaging at the cellular, sub-cellular, tissue, and organismal scale; imaging to support analytical techniques; software and analytical tools; and strategies for classification and feature extraction from bioimages. Applied medical imaging is out of scope for this scheme.
UCL internal process
- Anyone intending to submit an application to this call is kindly requested to notify the SLMS Research Facilitators of their intention.
- Please do this by sending a brief summary (one page max) of the proposed application containing PI and co-I names, title, and project abstract to by 17th October.
- There is no expectation of an internal selection process for this call: the School wishes to have oversight of all applications to ensure that there are no competing bids and that applications are targeted to the appropriate scheme (note that Wellcome Trust currently has open calls for Multi-User Equipment and Biomedical Resources and Technology Development).