The work that I have seen generated by Believe in Young People is very impressive. The virtual learning materials are attractive and of a high standard and will encourage young people to interact with them.

The link that has been established between soft skills and local employment is at the leading edge of advisory work, and the ability for students to match their profiles with those required by their aspirational employment provides a first rate opportunity to encourage young people to be serious about employability skills. Hopefully this will create an improved transition from education to work, and better retention rates within the workforce.

UCL-led unit providing evidence to shape policy to improve child and family health
UCL-led unit providing evidence to shape policy  to improve child and family health

UCL-led unit providing evidence to shape policy to improve child and family health

The Children and Families Policy Research Unit provides high-quality evidence to guide wide-ranging policy decisions that have implications for the health and wellbeing of children and their families.

17 Jun 2024

Unlocking universities’ powerful climate action potential
Unlocking universities’ powerful climate action potential

Unlocking universities’ powerful climate action potential

Universities hold significant power to address climate challenges via teaching, research, community engagement and increasing public awareness. UCL research identified 5 conditions for transformation.

15 Dec 2023

Private schools and British society
Private schools and British society

Private schools and British society

How far will the proposed VAT levy on private school fees go towards greater social integration on the road to a more meritocratic Britain?

29 Nov 2023