
IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


How ECTs are affected by working conditions and their own personal dispositions | ECF Staffroom

3 March 2023

We hear from Sofia Eleftheriadou and Lisa Baines, post-doctoral researchers at UCL’s Centre for Educational Leadership. The ECF Staffroom podcast gives a voice to teachers, allowing them to discuss their growing confidence and be a window into the ECF experience for others.

ECF Staffroom podcast artwork

Sofia and Lisa came into the ECF Staffroom to share the initial findings of their longitudinal study, ‘The impact of the ECF programme on the work engagement, wellbeing and retention of teachers.’ They talked to us about how the research of the ECF is always mediated – through school leaderships, through mentors, and through the teacher standing in front of the classroom with the students that they've got to work with.

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