The IPDA aims to enhance the quality and effectiveness of Professional Development.
Dr Daly is a Reader in Education at the IOE in the Department of Culture, Communication and Media. She was nominated for her commitment to and impact on professional learning and development among colleagues and students, wider school contexts and the broader education sector.
In her time at the IOE, Dr Daly has been Co-Director of the Master's in Educational Practice for Wales, Co-Director of Initial Teacher Education and Project Leader for the London region Master’s in Teaching and Learning
Dr Daly received her award at the IPDA’s 2019 conference in December.
Dr Daly said: “It’s an honour to receive an award from an international organisation that advocates strongly for teachers’ entitlement to high quality professional learning. An award like this helps us to continue to press for learning and development that is genuinely rewarding for teachers.
“I’ve been fortunate to work with colleagues in schools and universities who are committed to supporting teachers to think deeply and critically to develop their learning. Most of all, they focus on increasing social justice as a goal for teacher development. That’s a reason to stay in teaching.”
The International Professional Development Association (IPDA) was founded in 1968 and currently has more than 200 members across 17 countries.