The lecture was an event as part of Scotland’s Gender Action Plan, which includes supporting more men to work in childcare as part of an aim to challenge gender stereotypes and promote gender diversity in Scottish early learning and childcare and the wider society.
Dr Yuwei Xu’s talk explored gender-sensitive pedagogies and practices in early years settings. With research-informed findings from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Scotland, Dr Xu shared with the audiences that how practitioners understand gender and their own positions as men and women shapes their practices in working with young children. He argued for gender-sensitive practices among practitioners, through reflections and open discussions on gender-related issues with young children.
Dr Yuwei Xu said: “This engagement with the Scottish government and practitioners is indicative of how the Centre for Teacher and Early Years Education’s work may influence policy making and day-to-day practices in early years education.
“Linking to this, I am currently leading a new project, funded by the British Association for International and Comparative Education, that seeks to develop a gender-sensitive teacher training program for early years practitioners and kindergarten teachers. The project will engage with kindergarten teachers from China, England, Germany, and Sweden in the development of the training, but will hopefully benefit early years practitioners from beyond those countries.”
European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) Conference 2019
The keynote in Scotland followed on from further discussions Dr Yuwei Xu has participated in 2019: in August, he attended the European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) Conference 2019, held in Thessaloniki, Greece.
The conference is significant in the field of early years education, with over 1,000 delegates from worldwide. Dr Yuwei Xu attended a project meeting that involves scholars and experts of early years education from 12 countries (Australia, China, England, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, and the US).
Speaking about the European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) Conference 2019, Dr Yuwei Xu said: “Gender equality and diversity in early childhood education and care (ECEC) is a significant topic, which links to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Quality Education) and 5 (Gender Equality) aimed at promoting children’s full participation at all levels of their life. Bringing men into ECEC has implications for gender equality and diversity in the sector and is mentioned as a strategy to promote quality ECEC by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Good Practice for Good Jobs in Early Childhood Education and Care Report.
“Representing China and the Centre for Teacher and Early Years Education, my involvement in the project aligns with the Centre’s aims to improve quality in early years teacher education in China. It shows the centre’s growing commitments to equality and diversity in Chinese ECEC, together with international researchers. The networks that I have established with scholars from across the world can facilitate the Centre’s ambition to become an international hub in early years education.”