Paul Grainger delivered the workshop with Mick Fletcher, Honorary Fellow of the Centre for Post-14 Education and Work, to analyse the available information on the labour market in the field of engineering in the region of Córdoba in Argentina.
The Centre has been working in collaboration with the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, to develop links with employers, in the fields of engineering and technology.
The economy of the Córdoba region is changing. Traditionally the region has had large factories producing cars, aircraft and other heavy goods, however, due to geographic and economic factors, there is a move towards new technologies and lighter goods.
The workshop was delivered to restructure the engineering curriculum at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba to keep up with these changes. It attracted employers, staff and students who collaborated on suggestions for restructuring the engineering curriculum.
Along with discussing the labour market, university curriculum and employer strategies, IOE representatives shared their experiences from the meetings of the G20, 2018 in Buenos Aires.