Recent trends in mortality dynamics: new profiles and the challenges ahead
Has life expectancy recovered fully to pre-pandemic levels? José Manuel Aburto explores this question and more.
Life expectancy is a widely used indicator of population health, and it was strongly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Recent analysis of other causes of death (e.g. cardiovascular diseases, cancers, suicides) and their contribution to life-expectancy changes uncovered the indirect pathways through which the pandemic has affected mortality and population health.
In this seminar Jose will present up-to-date mortality trends and address three questions:
- Has life expectancy recovered fully to pre-pandemic levels?
- Has it reached the levels expected had the pandemic not happened?
- Have cause-of-death profiles been reshaped in post pandemic years?
This event will be particularly useful for researchers, policymakers, academics and students.
Related links
- QSS and CLS seminar series
- Quantitative Social Science
- Centre for Longitudinal Studies
- Social Research Institute
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Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science and the Department of Sociology
Further information
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