Event type:

In person

Date & time:

10 Feb 2025, 15:00 – 16:30

Hauntology and Fanon’s ‘zone of occult instability’

Ana Deumert will explore Derrida’s project of hauntology in conversation with Fanon’s The Damned of the Earth and his argument that the revolution will emerge from a ‘zone of occult instability.'

Three actors on a stage in front of a green background. Permission: Carol Rivas for CICADA study.
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Hauntology and Fanon’s ‘zone of occult instability’

Professor Ana Deumert

Professor of Linguistics

University of Cape Town

Her research programme is located within the broad field of sociolinguistics and has a strong transdisciplinary focus.

Her current work explores the use of language and art in global political movements as well as the contributions decolonial thought can make to sociolinguistic theory.

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Effrosyni Argyri


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