Celebration event: Findings from the CICADA study
Come along to this celebration event to hear about the CICADA study, which explored the healthcare experiences of disabled people from minoritised ethnic groups.
The CICADA study was a major IOE study that explored the pandemic experiences of people with a long-term condition or disability from minority ethnic groups, with a focus on health and social care.
Its final report and findings papers are about to be published. The study is holding a final event to report on findings and current developments and to experience some participatory research methods in workshops.
It features external performances, talks and buffet style food.
This is an in-person event.
- Read on the #IOEBlog: Giving voice to the under-served: how can we mitigate the Pandemic’s impact on people from minoritised groups who have disabilities or chronic conditions?
- Study to examine vulnerable people’s experiences of the pandemic
- Social Research Institute
Permission via Carol Rivas.
Further information
Pre-booking essential
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