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26 Nov 2024, 13:00 – 14:00

Sit with the Editors: Ming Cheng and Kate Hoskins, British Educational Research Journal

Join editors Ming Cheng and Kate Hoskins of the British Educational Research Journal (BERJ) to share their insight into getting research published.

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Sit with the Editors: Ming Cheng and Kate Hoskins, British Educational Research Journal

26 Nov 2024, 13:00 – 14:00

Professor Ming Cheng

Professor of Higher Education

Sheffield Hallam University

Professor Ming Cheng's research explores quality, academic professionalism and student experience within the HE sector. 

Professor Kate Hoskins

Professor of Education

Brunel University

Professor Kate Hoskins has worked extensively in the area of inequalities within Early Childhood and Education, and the relationship between policy and intergenerational social mobility.


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