Event type:

In person

Date & time:

23 May 2024, 16:00 – 17:00

Multimodal and embodied approaches to writing for access and inclusion

Join this event to hear Arlene Archer investigate ways of using a range of modes and embodied approaches to develop writing with multilingual and diverse students.

Students on UCL campus. Image by James Tye for UCL.
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Multimodal and embodied approaches to writing for access and inclusion

23 May 2024, 16:00 – 17:00

Remote Media URL

Professor Arlene Archer

Professor in Applied Linguistics and Director

the Writing Centre at the University of Cape Town, South Africa

Her research employs a multimodal social semiotic perspective to interrogate issues around social justice, academic writing and academic literacies in higher education.

Hayley Gewer (Chair)


the UCL Academic Communication Centre

She designs and delivers academic literacies and urban studies programmes, drawing on inclusive and multimodal pedagogies so as to create more just learning environments, widen participation and support students’ development of agency and belonging in higher education.

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Academic Writing Seminar Series
