Making a difference: the 3-STEP approach for equitable makerspaces
Join this event for a practical introduction to the new resources from the Making Spaces Project on how to support equitable and inclusive practice in makerspaces to improve diverse young people’s engagement with STEM.

This informative session will provide practical tips on how to make your makerspace, and professional practice, more equitable.
The Making Spaces project team has produced two key resources for the makerspace and informal STEM education sector, which they will talk through during the seminar: a guidebook ‘Towards equitable makerspaces: A guide to the 3-STEP approach’ and an accompanying online interactive professional development course.
This online event will be particularly useful for makerspace practitioners, informal STEM learning, STEM education researchers and those interested in the STEM sector or equity in education.
Related links
Karl Mannheim Chair of Sociology, Making Spaces Principal Investigator
Louise is a leading expert on young people's aspirations, identities and participation in STEM.
Making Spaces Research Fellow
Meghna is an academic researcher focusing on inequalities in STEM education with extensive experience supporting educators and schools to develop more inclusive practice.
Further information
Pre-booking essential
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