Higher education and the climate crisis
Join this event to debate, exchange ideas and share new research on diverse aspects of the higher education-climate crisis link.

Universities are heavily implicated in the climate crisis as historical drivers of industrialisation, consumerism and colonialism. Yet they are also central to the transformation of societies through their unique role in professional development, knowledge production and public debate.
While there has been increasing attention to the active role universities can play in recent years and many institutions have made commitments to achieving carbon neutrality, there is still a significant knowledge gap.
The one-day conference is being convened by Climate-U (Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate), a Global Challenges Research Fund project led by University College London, in partnership with University of Passo Fundo (Brazil), Kenyatta University (Kenya) and University of the South Pacific (Fiji).
- Keynote: Fatima Denton, United Nations University
This event will be particularly useful for those interested in the link between higher education and the climate crisis, and for researchers, policy-makers, teachers and practitioners.
Please note that while all presentations will be taking place in-person, sessions will be broadcast online.
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