Introduction to longitudinal data: Structure and visualisation
Join this event to hear Darío Moreno Agostino and Nicolás Libuy give an overview of the tools and strategies available to manage and visualise longitudinal cohort studies.

Darío and Nicolás will briefly discuss what longitudinal data are, their differences compared to other data structures, their advantages and limitations, and the implications for data management and visualisation.
They will demonstrate tools to effectively manage and visualise longitudinal data using Stata and data from the UK Millennium Cohort Study (MCS). The examples shown here apply when using any of the CLS cohorts. The CLS cohorts include:
- 1958 National Child Development Study
- 1970 British Cohort Study
- Next Steps (born 1989-90)
- Millennium Cohort Study (born 2000-02)
There will also be time for a Q&A.
This online event will be particularly useful for undergraduate and postgraduate students, early career researchers and governmental analysts interested in conducting research using longitudinal cohort data.
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Senior Research Fellow in Population Mental Health
Centre for Longitudinal Studies
His research interests include the study of social and generational inequalities in mental health and healthy ageing outcomes.
He works on a broad range of topics focusing on public health, education, labour and socio-economic conditions. His research uses administrative data linked with longitudinal studies to explore causal associations over the life course.
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