IOE120: The London Review of Education and journeys towards decolonisation
Join the London Review of Education (LRE) as they celebrate IOE’s 120th anniversary with a special feature of 15 papers.

Throughout 2022, IOE’s journal, the London Review of Education (LRE) celebrated IOE’s 120th anniversary with a special feature of 15 papers examining and critically celebrating people, ideas, movements and research associated with IOE in the past and present whilst also looking to the future.
Papers variously reflected on the influence of Karl Mannheim and Jean Floud, Geoff Whitty, Jagdish Gundara, Richard Peters, Berry Mayall and Roy Bhaskar, Stephen Ball, Jan Blommaert, Michael Young, Jack and Barbara Tizard, Susan Isaacs, Gunther Kress, and Ann Oakley.
In their presentation, Elaine and Laila will discuss the research they conducted for the article ‘Education, Decolonisation and International Development at the Institute of Education (London): A Historical Analysis’.
This will be followed by a response from Palesa Molebatsi, an early career academic researching the role of higher education in development theory and policy and Shone Surendran an end-stage PhD student at IOE who in 2022 was one of the guest editors of LRE’s special feature on decolonising the school curriculum. There will be an opportunity to put your thoughts and questions to the speakers.
Founded in 2003 at IOE, LRE is a fully open-access, peer-reviewed journal that provides a diversity of perspectives on all types, sectors and phases of education.
- 17:30 Welcome – Professor Li Wei
- 17:35 Introduction – Professor Hugh Starkey
- 17:40 Presentation: Education, Decolonisation and International Development at IOE – Professor Elaine Unterhalter and Dr Laila Kadiwal
- 18:05 Responses from Dr Palesa Molebatsi and Shone Surendran
- 18:15 Panel Q&A with the speakers, chaired by Professor Li Wei
- 18:30 Closing remarks by Professor Lynn Ang
- 18:40 Drinks reception
- 19:30 Event closes
This event will be particularly useful for researchers.
- Dr Palesa Molebats
- Shone Surendran
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