The business of widening participation
Join this event to hear Colin McCaig discuss the political economy of higher education access in the English market context.

Professor McCaig will focus on how Widening Participation (WP) policy – at a national and institutional level - has evolved in response to two major policy imperatives of the last 50 years:
- the human capital-driven expansion of the High Education (HE) system, and
- the process of marketisation through differentiation that begun with the 1987 White Paper.
He will draw on some his recent work, including McCaig, C, Rainford, J and Squire, R (Eds) (2022) 'The Business of Widening Participation: policy, practice and culture' and his 2018 monograph McCaig, C (2018) 'The marketisation of English Higher Education: a policy analysis of a risk-based system'.
The speaker will discuss a policy analysis approach (Fairclough and Fairclough 2013) to explore developments in WP policy in the English HE system since 1997, in the context of system marketisation.
This event will be particularly useful for those interested in researchers, widening participation and higher education research.
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Colin McCaig
Professor of Higher Education Policy
Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University
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