IOE Impact Meet-Up: Professor Russell Viner, DfE CSA
14 December 2023, 12:30 pm–1:30 pm
Join this event to hear Russell Viner, Chief Scientific Advisor (CSA) for the Department for Education, as he discusses his new role and policy engagement through Areas of Research Interest (ARIs).
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- Free
Tatiana Souteiro Dias
Participants will hear how the CSA delivers independent and impartial scientific advice to ministers and policymakers across the DfE portfolio, and ensures that science and engineering advice is robust and high quality. They will gain an understanding about the CSA's responsibility for science strategy within the DfE and involvement in cross-government science policy through the CSA Network.
Attendees will be encouraged to consider the benefits of policy engagement through ARIs. ARIs aim to improve how government departments align scientific and research evidence from academia with policy development and decision-making; engage with researchers; access stronger policy evidence bases at better value for money and share research commissions.
There will also be time for questions and discussion.
This online event will be particularly useful for researchers, professionals, students, policymakers and all those interested in policy impact.
IOE Impact Meet-ups
The IOE Research Development Team and Research Engagement and Impact Committee are bringing experts, senior academics, doctoral students and early career researchers together online to focus on making authentic impact a key consideration in research projects from their inception.
About the Speakers
Professor Russell Viner
Paediatrician and Professor at the UCL Great Ormond St. Institute of Child Health
He has been appointed Chief Scientific Advisor (CSA) for the Department for Education.
More about Professor Russell VinerProfessor Lynn Ang (Chair)
Pro-Director and Vice-Dean Research at UCL IOE
More about Professor Lynn Ang (Chair)Dr Becky Taylor (Chair)
Chair of the IOE Research Engagement and Impact Committee
More about Dr Becky Taylor (Chair)