Exploring the concept of classroom climate from a sensory-phenomenological perspective
Join this event to hear Elisabet Langmann offer an existential language about classroom climate that acknowledges the lived and embodied dimensions of educational life.
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For joining instructions, please contact yuxin.su.16@ucl.ac.uk
The value of sustaining an open and positive classroom climate for students’ cognitive, social, and emotional development is well documented in educational research. At the same time, the notion of ‘classroom climate’ remains nebulous and hard to define.
In this event, Elisabet will explore these themes by discerning some of the meanings of classroom climate in educational research, and by drawing on Martin Heidegger’s phenomenology of Stimmung (Eng. mood) and Rita Felski’s work on affective attunement in literary studies.
This event will be particularly useful for for researchers of philosophy of education and classroom teachers.
PESGB seminar series
This event is part of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB) seminar series. PESGB is a learned society that promotes the study, teaching and application of philosophy of education. Its London Branch hosts seminars every Wednesday in conjunction with the Centre for Philosophy of Education. These seminars are led by national and international scholars in the field, covering a wide range of issues of educational and philosophical concern.
All are welcome to attend.
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Elisabet Langmann
Associate Professor in Education and Head of the Department of Education
Södertörn Univeristy, Stockholm, Sweden
Her research is situated within the field of philosophy and theory of education and is informed primarily by continental philosophy, general didactics, and feminist theory. Her research interest focuses on tolerance, care, hospitality, the complex nature of educational encounters, and on embodied dimensions of teaching and learning.