Event type:

In person

Date & time:

04 May 2022, 14:00 – 15:00

Drawing research: using drawing as a participatory research paradigm

Join this event to hear Dr Monica Sassatelli discuss research with drawings, with particular focus on the affordances of narrative drawing.

artist concentrating on drawing - UCL Imagestore, Alejandro Walter Salinas Lopez
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Drawing research: using drawing as a participatory research paradigm

04 May 2022, 14:00 – 15:00

Dr Monica Sassatelli

Associate Professor

University of Bologna, Italy

She is a cultural sociologist with research expertise on on cultural events and institutions, cultural policies and creative industries. Among her publications are the monograph Becoming Europeans. Cultural Identity and Cultural Policies and the edited collection Arts Festivals and the Cultural Public Sphere. Recent articles include: “‘Europe in your Pocket’: narratives of identity in euro iconography” (Journal of Contemporary European Studies) and “Symbolic Production in the Art Biennial: Making Worlds” (Theory, Culture and Society).

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Nicole Brown
